Consultants for Trademark Registration in India
Consultants for Trademark Registration in India Trademark Registration is an important procedure under the Trademark Act that safeguards your brand and logo. It also protects your intellectual property rights and legal protection. This procedure helps you to establish your rights as an owner of a mark in court and earn royalty payments for using your trademark. The trademark can be anything that identifies your business in the market. Typically, it would be a word, phrase, symbol or a combination of these. Moreover, it can be a unique design or logo. Hence, it is essential for all entrepreneurs to register their trademarks and protect them from piracy. In India, it is advisable to take the help of a trademark consultant in India who can guide you through the entire process and make your registration simple and hassle free There are many different classes of trademarks under the Indian Trademark law. One of the most popular ones is class 35, which deals with ...